MetaMobil FAQ
MetaSource released MetaMobil, a mobile app for AppEnhancer.
You can download it now from iTunes or by clicking this link: MetaMobil
To help you get started we've put together a brief FAQ.
1. How do I connect MetaMobil to my AppEnhancer system?
Connecting MetaMobil to your AppEnhancer 22.2 or later system is easy. All you need is the URL of
the server where AppEnhancer ReST is installed, URL will look something like this The 8.1 - 20.4 URL will look something like this You will also need
to enter a valid username and password to connect to the ApplicationXtender system.
ApplicationXtender 6/7 uses URL of the server where ApplicationXtender Web Access .NET is installed.
The 6/7 URL will look something like this
If you're not sure which address to use, contact your IT person.
2. What functions are supported?
MetaMobil supports a range of functions most people use every day. You can easily find documents and display them right on the device.
An optional component (MetaSource Mobile Server) will allow you to upload or delete content if you have rights.
MetaMobil decides which functions are available to you based on your AppEnhancer security profile.
3. How do I import or delete content?
You company may purchase the optional MetaSource Mobile Server and install it on the AppEnhancer Web Access .NET Server.
MetaMobil allows you to import a new document or a new page from Camera, Photo and other Apps.
You can also modify index values or delete documents and pages if you have the appropriate privileges.
We'd love to hear what you think of the app. eMail us at